Episode 8: Recruitment Challenges
For this episode, we have the pleasure of having Lindsay Studer, known as the "Queen of Sound," as our host. We will delve into the challenges and strategies surrounding recruitment in research, particularly within marginalized communities. We will emphasize the importance of aligning research questions with the target participant group and discuss the complexity of ensuring inclusivity, especially when factoring in race, gender, and socio-economic status.
Key topics include:
The difficulties of identifying ideal participants and ensuring anti-racist, inclusive recruitment practices.
The value of understanding the lived experiences of the populations being studied, which demands cultural competence and sensitivity.
Recruitment strategies like leveraging social media platforms and personal networks, as well as alternative platforms like Mastodon and Pillow Fort.
The importance of team diversity in research to avoid bias and better understand various communities.
Personal challenges faced during recruitment, such as fraud in incentivized studies and difficulties maintaining participant authenticity.